THULE Bike Roof Rack Repair
I removed the vice clamp system
inside this head and installed a Quick release with lock. |

Split the adjuster and remove it. |

I used a screw driver and slid the silver covers off
under it are keys remove them and the pins will slide out.
Re-install the silver covers. |
 Slide quick
release in and reinstall parts inside with put a 1/8" thick
washer to
take up slack once the cover is closed. |
 You need the
washer to take up slack so when you close the cover all the space it
up inside. When you close quick the head will be solid and tighten
correctly. |
I find this setup even better than
the original system. Both Thule or Yakima fork quick released will
work fine for this.
So don't throw away the old rack fix it I found the QR for $12 -
$20 on ebay
Or new online for about $25 |